Harvest Time and Feed Storage. . .

Feeding Area :
Total feeding area consist of a 240’ x 340’ cement pad. On that pad we have 5 storage bays divided by 16’ walls.  One bay is 50’ wide and 205’ in length for 1st crop haylage and another bay is 40' wide and 205' in length also for hayloge. In addition, there are 2 corn silage bunkers.  One is  40’ wide and 205’ in length and one large bunker at 110’ wide and 205’ wide.
There are two 30 ton bins and one 15 ton bin on this pad also. The 30 ton bins are used to store the milking cows blend and soybean meal or canola meal. The 15 ton bin is for the dry cow blend.  
​The commodity shed consist of 3 bays at 16’ x 24’ and one at 24’ x 24’. They are used for various commodities. Currently used for cottonseed, corn gluten pellets, ground straw, and fine ground dry corn.
All haylages, corn silage, dry and high moisture corn is raised at the dairy.
Cropping and Pasture Ground:
Majestic View is associated with 2900 acres of tillable land.  Of this acreage, 900 of it is hay, 300 is new seeding, 1300 is in corn and 400 is in soybeans.  All the hay harvested is utilized by the dairy and our youngstock. The corn acreage is split between corn silage, high moisture corn, and dry corn. Generally 400-500 acres are chopped, 300-400 acres are harvested as high moisture, the rest is harvested as dry corn.

Cotton seed makes for great nap time!